Let’s Work Together

My job is to make yours easier.

What if you had an experienced writer do the hard work for you?

“Your playing small does not serve the world.”
—Marianne Williamson

Have you…

  • reached a plateau in your coaching business?

  • tried EVERYTHING to drive more engagement, leads, and sales and nothing seems to work?

  • brushed up against your limit? Maybe, even now, you’re desperately clinging to every bit of encouragement NOT to give up. Truth be told, you’re hanging on by a thread. 

  • ever watered down your message because you’re too afraid to be 100% truly, vulnerably, and authentically YOU? (Being wholly yourself WILL attract your soul-aligned clients. It’s one of the only surefire ways to do it.) 

I’d like to help, AND I fully believe in the power and magic of words to get you over this “hump.”

Words are like real-life fairy dust.

Sprinkle that sh*t in the right company, and your problems will go POOF.

Words are enchanting, beguiling, and magical.

Words heal, inspire, bring people together, and change the world.

With the right words, you’re going to meet soul-aligned clients.

You’re going to inspire action and turn dreamers into doers.

It’s just as magical as it sounds. ✨

I’m a writer for coaches.

I write emails, blogs, and social media posts to inspire action. 

When we work together, your soul-aligned clients will ACT. 

They’ll follow you, ask for more information, get on calls, subscribe, click, and invest in coaching when they’re ready to do the work. 

They’ll go from thinking about it to doing something about it. 

We’ll take them through the paces of Know, Like, Trust and create fans who are eager to learn more and take the next steps.


I know what you’re thinking. “Words are like magic. Words inspire and heal…. Dreamers into Doers… That’s nice, but how do we actually see results?” 

We’re going to take real, simple building blocks and power up your words.

We’ll power up your words with MORE- 

MORE clarity

MORE focus

MORE personality 

MORE heart 

MORE Impact 

Precisely how!?

The Specifics

I bring out the magic of words with my:

  • I literally write for coaches every single day of the week, I’ve had several coaches, and I attend ongoing biweekly networking calls with a fabulous group of coaches and consultants. As if I wasn’t already NEARLY TOO DEEP in the industry, I’m also a certified mindset coach, success coach, NLP practitioner, and alcohol-free coach.

    Every day, I get more unique insights into what’s currently WORKING for coaches.

    And, of course, we’re going to use it to power your strategy.

  • 100% of my income comes from my writing business I built from the ground up.

    I’m not only an active participant in the coaching industry (as a coach and someone who gets coaching), but I’m an entrepreneur too. I know what it’s like to start with nothing and build something you’re proud of.

    The moments that feel too good to be true—the ones you feel unbelievably grateful for?

    I get it.

    And what about plateaus, lulls, and challenges?

    Yep, I’ve been there too, and I’ve developed the confidence, wisdom, and winning mindset to brush myself off and come back stronger than ever.

  • I highly recommend tracking what you do. I’m going to teach you how to keep track of what works so you can do more of THAT.

    (Sure, we can tailor this to your comfort level—just say the word, and we’ll go deep or keep this really accessible.)

  • It sounds saccharine, cliche, and too good to be true… but I’m going to insist that it’s really, really NOT.

    No BS—

    Words are truly the most powerful tool at your disposal to build meaningful relationships. We’re going to rock Know, Like, Trust and get your clients invested in YOU, all thanks to the magical and impactful words we very intentionally choose for your emails, social media posts, and blogs.

  • Want to write a book, format it, and publish it using KDP? Done it! Need emails for your launch? Yep, I’ve done that too… and I have clients who keep me on retainer for this very purpose! In the market for a new lead magnet? Yep—I have experience writing eyeball-catching freebies several times over. Do your social media posts need work? I can help. (Recently, I helped a client 4x her engagement!) Does your sales page need some zhuzhing? That’s yet another service I provide regularly. 😌

“Leanne is a genius creative powerhouse.”

Karolina Rzadkowolska

For my millennial and Gen Z coaches—

Do calls make you panic? Is your default on Zoom off-camera? 

The buttons on my sale pages will lead you to Calendly to book a call. 

If your prefer email for ANY reason, have at it! Request to work together by emailing leanne@singlesparkcoachingcopy.com. 

Can’t wait to hear from you! 

I’m a millennial who doesn’t love video… I jest, but I also totally get it. :-)

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